Jake Egbert Photography Blog

Sunset on the Connecticut River - Perspectives

Sometimes a very small change in perspective can make a big difference. The five photos featured in this update were all taken from the exact same spot on the boardwalk. Which perspective works the best for you?

This shot was taken from a standing position and at a bit of a slant to make it a bit more interesting.

Here's a bugs-eye view with a mid-range focal depth. The boardwalk nearly converges to a single point at this wide angle.

Same bugs-eye view at higher zoom and a deep focus. I love the line of screws winding down the middle of the walkway and the stand of tall reeds sprouting up like flames over the horizon. This picture didn't do much for me until I cropped it down a bit; now it may be my favorite of the set.

This one brings the focal point up close and personal. This one was my favorite until I cropped the one above.

When I was done laying in the middle of the boardwalk to take pictures I rolled over to get back to my feet and this is what I saw... One of my lovely assistants taking her own pictures despite the very-cold wind!

Sunset on the Connecticut River - Lines

My post Monday night seemed fine... until the pics disappeared. Here goes again to see if the uploads will stick... Thanks!

We took a walk along the river at sunset on Saturday night. I love the color of the light. I came back with many photos. These all feature dominant lines in their composition.

Boardwalk Under the Bridge
(It looks almost 3 dimensional)

Train Bound for Boston
(This one is probably too similar to the first one to be artistically significant... But is has a train in it, ergo, it is cool, ergo, here it is!)

Zigzag Path to the Osprey Nests

Here's another one that is pretty similar to the one right above it. I like enough to include it anyway. Which of the two zigzag paths do you prefer?

Art Show - Sill House, Lyme Academy

Note: When I originally posted this entry on Monday night I verified that the images uploaded correctly and that the automatic email worked. On Tuesday, however, I got feedback that the pictures were no longer visible online or in the emails. The Blogger forums indicate that many blog authors are seeing the same problem this week. Unfortunately, the fix the Blogger team listed didn't work for my posts so I am re-posting from scratch in the hopes that the uploads will stick this time! Thanks for your patience!

My daughter had a drawing on display at the 26th Annual Youth Art Show at the Lyme Academy College. Here is one set of sculptures by a friend of ours and a few other scenes that caught my attention.

Men of Snow

Light at the End of the Hallway

Sill House Chimney

Ivy Under the Sill

I've Seen Enough Art...

Groton Long Point - B&W

Here are a few more filtered black and white conversions. It was cold with a brisk wind on the sound side of Groton Long Point this Saturday but there was calm water just a few hundred yards inland in the harbor.



The New London Ledge Light is visible on the horizon.

In contrast to the waves on the sound, the water in the harbor inlet was calm and glassy.

Looks like the winter wind has taken its toll on this flag.

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Groton Long Point Close-Ups

Spring is coming! After a jog in brisk cold wind at Haley Farm State Park I stopped in Groton Long Point and took a few pictures. These are a few close-ups that I found interesting.

I'm sure this flag spent most of the winter under a deep pile of snow.

Textured fungi.



Can you spot the man-made intrusion in this photo? I didn't until I had been looking at it for a few minutes in post-processing.
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Bradley Sunset

You never know when you'll see something spectacular. Of course sunsets happen every evening. I see lots of them on my drive home from work (at least when I leave work before dark, that is). They're all nice, but sometimes, just when the sun touches the horizon, the clouds just explode into a thousand tongues of brilliant flame. I always find myself wishing I had my camera in these moments, even though taking pictures while operating a vehicle is rarely a good idea.

On my last return trip from Portland I ended up stranded at the Bradley International Airport waiting for the shuttle to long-term parking. Over twenty minutes on the curb capped off a seemingly endless trip back from the West Coast with a long layover in Chicago. I saw at least three shuttles from each of the off-site parking services and there were no Bradley shuttles to be seen. No wonder the off-site parking business is booming in Hartford! By the time the missing shuttle, captained by a gnarl-fisted old man, finally arrived I was pretty frustrated. I settled in for the long bumpy ride to the outskirts of Mongolia where I hoped to find my little red Focus still waiting for me. I kind of forgot about my frustration when I looked out and saw this particular sunset. I just happened to have my camera with me. And I just happened to not be the one driving. So I shot a few frames as we lurched along before I lost sight of the sun behind the trees. They're a bit out of focus, but I still like them.

And, good news! The little red Focus was right where I left it and I was finally able to get back home to my favorite people!





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Portland - The One in Oregon #2

After my work conference was over I was able to hook up with my best friend and his wife for dinner. While I was waiting for him to finish work (less than 3 blocks from my hotel!) I took in some more of the local sights.

Portland is a city full of beautiful green parks, hipsters, and homeless people. Actually, I don't know if they're all really homeless, they could just be regular people that choose to sleep in the park at all times of the day... Homeless or not, I came within 25 feet of a few individuals that had used neither soap nor deoderant in many long and aromatic days (Yes, 25 feet and it nearly knocked me over!).

How many sleeping lumps of humanity can you spot in these pictures?



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Portland - The One in Oregon

I took a business trip to Portland, Oregon in September. I was tied up in conference meetings most of the week but I did get a little down time. I was able to get in a couple of nice workouts jogging the trails around the waterfront (unfortunately I haven't exercised since then...) and I took my camera for a walk one evening before dinner. Here are a few shots from 9/14/10 on the Portland Waterfront.


Apparently, Dragon Boats are all the rage in the Rose City these days. I saw business professionals wandering around the city each evening toting life vests and a single paddle on their way down to their team practice.


I stayed at the Waterfront Marriott and had a very nice view of the river and lots of homeless people from my window.

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Gillette Castle

After spending the weekend in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine under gray and drizzling skies we awoke to blue skies and sunshine at home. We took a short drive up the river to ride the Chester-Hadlyme Ferry before it closes for the season. Then we took a walk around the Gillette Castle. Sometimes you don't have to go far from home to find some of the most interesting sights.

Gillette Castle from the ferry

The Chester-Hadlyme Ferry from Gillette Castle




My wife and kids all told me not to include this picture of the arch because they like the other one better... I included it anyway!
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